Sunday, December 12, 2010

Buying a Horse 101

First Time Horse Owners to Be......

Tips to buying your first horse
Buying your first horse or 20th can be a challenging experience! As long as horses have been in the hands of humans there has been horse traders. The term "horse trader" should just mean a person who trades horses, but most of the time if you hear that label a red flag pops up!

So why be so leery of a horse trader? Well.......if a person trades a lot of horses, he or she is bound to get stuck with unruly, misbehaved, rank horses and just as they were mislead into buying or trading this horse, they pawn the problem off on to the next horseman.

I can give you some advise and insight I have gained over the years buying and selling horses. First off, I have been in the horse business for over 30 years and have bought and sold more horses than I can remember, having said that, I can say I have been mislead and bought my share of rank horses. And not just once but several times.

If  your into horses, your going to eventually buy a misrepresented is just part of the business! The problem is, if its your first horse, it can ruin your confidence and turn your passion for horses to another hobby. Your first horse needs to be one that allows you to learn horsemanship comfortably. Being bucked off, getting kicked or bit, barn sour, or rearing are things better left to a qualified trainer. You should enjoy your new horse and look forward to your trip to the barn!

There is a saying that "Old horses teach young riders and old riders teach young horses"  That is a great statement to live by, but there are some exceptions. I have seen 3 year old horses that are perfectly bombproof, with a very willing spirit and I have seen old cantankerous horses unsuitable for green riders.

Riding lessons before purchasing a horse is always a wise idea. Either way, you need to figure out what discipline you want to ride, Trail? Show? Western? English? there are a vast array of riding styles, you need to figure out what you will use your horse for. Once you have done that, then you need to find a trainer or a more experienced horse person to evaluate some of the horses you have on your list.

When you are looking for a horse on the internet, newspaper classifieds or auctions be cautious if they say the horse is for an experienced rider, usually they are saying this for a reason. Horse traders use this term loosely if the horse is a bucker!
When evaluating a horse on a online horse classified usually they will have a temperament scale. First time horse owners need a horse with a calm, quiet disposition. Look for a horse with a quiet to bombproof  number. Its a good place to start.

When you go to look at a horse for the first time there are some things you should be cautious about......
  • The horse is already saddled when you arrive.
  • The horse is already sweaty as if it has been worked before you arrived. 
  • The owners won't ride the horse first.
  • The horses feet are in bad condition.
  • The owners say "he has never done that before.
Make a check list and take it with you. Write the horses name and price on your list to compare to other horses later.
  • Overall condition of the horse,   good   fair   poor
  • Hooves, is the horse shod? Special shoes? condition  good   fair   poor
  • Did the owners clean his hooves? Ask if you can? How was he?
  • How is he to catch? Did he run from his owners? How about you? 
  • Does he stand quietly tied while you talk to the owners? 
  • How did he saddle, quiet  fidgety?
  • Does  he bridle easily?
  • How did he ride for the owners?
  • How did he ride for you?
  • Ask if you can see how he goes in a trailer?
  • Overall did he seem calm and quiet or excited and fidgety?
Also mark down anything you can remember that may help you. Unless you know for sure you have found a great horse, be patient in buying, come back twice if you can.

Ideally, if you can take riding lessons at a stables and get to know the residents, you can usually find a descent horse that will be recommended or one you can get to know first.

All in all remember this, if you buy a horse and find he is not right for you, you can always sell him and if he unruly or rank and you were mislead, now you are stuck with the problem, you can either be honest and tell potential buyers about his problems or you can learn first hand why horse traders get their bad name and pawn your rank horse off on an unsuspecting buyer! Its always better to tell the truth and cut your loses. Sometimes lessons in horses are expensive........

Closing advise.......
Get a few lessons under your belt, learn the language of the horse. Even the best horse can become ugly in inexperienced hands. Spoiled horses can be just as dangerous as wild ones. Don't look to impress anyone one with your spirited horse, look for something bombproof, childproof! Enjoy your horse while you develop horsemanship skills. You can always move up in your experience level. You'll be so glad you started slow.

Good luck in your equine adventure....

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Get your Christmas Special Discount!!

Happy Holidays from Ranch and Arena Horse for Sale.Com
Dear Valued Customers,
We have launched a new feature at Ranch and Arena Horse for called the Horseman's Shopping Mall. We now offer storefronts to our Equine business owners.

Storefronts allow you to set up shop inside Ranch and Arena Horse for Sale.Com's website and customize your store to your product needs. You can offer as many categories as you need and have custom pages within your store. You can ad products to your categories through our classifieds and get double exposure!!

We are offering a FREE 30 day trial for Storefronts and also %50 off all ad purchases made at Ranch and Arena Horse for Use Coupon code below!!

We have changed a few things in our pricing and now offer FREE ads with 1 picture, 1 video, 2 links and your choice to run the ad up to 180 days FREE of charge!

We are busy advertising our site everyday all day in all the hottest Equine places! We have 5 twitter accounts with over 2000 followers and over 3000 Facebook friends and over 1300 Facebook fans. We share all ads with our social networks daily! We are also close knitted to the team roping community and "Speed Williams Team Roping"

Let us advertise your horse for sale, related items or equine business for you!

Come join us as we grow and take advantage of our great Christmas Special

Wishing you every happiness this Holiday Season and prosperity in the New Year. Thank you for being our customer. We look forward to continuing our relationship in the coming year.

All the best to you and your family,

Vikki LaRue
Horseshoe Ranch and Arena

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Use this coupon code to get %50 off your check out total at Use it for any purchase offered at Coupon code is good for as many ads you place and the Horseman's Mall Storefront subscriptions. Happy Holidays from all of us at the Horseshoe Ranch!
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